
Boycott at Arco

On Saturday, June 26th, Harrison and I walked to the train station to catch a train to my scheduled BP boycott at the Arco off College Blvd.. a 2 mile walk from the station. That morning we joined hands at Hands Across the Sand in Oceanside between lifeguard station 1 and 6, more than 100 people were in line I'm sure. The whole day was spectacular. When we got on the train, we bumped into Gabriel from La Milpa Organica (and another dude, Raul maybe). I sat with Gabe, showed him pictures of the mobilization, we got to talking and decided to boycott then go to Gianni's Pizza together where the ingredients are always fresh and LOCAL! Gianni's has the best effin pizza I've ever had, for real. The freshness makes all the difference. We got one person who pulled into the Arco station to turn around and go to a different station. 1 person who may not ever go to an Arco again and might tell her friends and family that Arco = BP = evil. Who knows?

 I was holding a broom and sweeping the concrete to get attention and because BP NEEDS TO CLEAN UP THE SPILL!!!

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