
my day + etsy

I had a wonderful day today! This morning I spent time with my parents and my boyfriend Carlos, chatting, had a lovely breakfast of bacon and eggs - the usual.. Carlos and I took a walk down the road to our neighborhood farm and produce stand to pick up some veggies and ground beef. They had banana peppers and bell peppers today! So yummy. $11 got us 2 pounds of beef, 2 bell peppers, 3 banana peppers, and 2 fat cucumbers. All organic and local. They were out of eggs, gotta get there earlier next time.

It's my wonderful sister's birthday today - Happy Birthday wonderful sister! She had to go to work - bleh.

And I added some new handmade envelopes to my etsy account today, super geeky superhero Animal Man!

upcycled envelopes in my etsy shop - http://www.etsy.com/shop/ReGrowRoots?section_id=7622554

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