
Oh My Garden!

Life is good. The garden is growing and flowers are in bloom. Bees are busy buzzing around, pollinating our squash blossoms and pollinating themselves. It's so funny to watch those big butted bumble bees fly out of a blossom totally covered in pollen. On their face, their feet, their butts. Silly bees! I have a frog that lives right outside my bedroom window and it just sits there all day and all night. It's a little one, maybe a few inches long. Sort of a pastel green color. There are beans growing up our window wall outside and the frog loves it there. So do the grasshoppers... they love eating the bean leaves.

Bountiful Mexican Beans cover our window and it's a jungle!

Those are squash in the front there. One of our 4 zucchini plants! There's a sidewalk at the front of the bed, so we are training the zucchini to crawl over to the side. It's amazing how quickly a plant takes the hint. It was going straight for the sidewalk and after three days of shoving the vines the other way, it caught on. We also have some delectable white patty pan squash plants. Buttery and delicious... Okay more pictures!

Reisentraube Tomatoes - they're extremely bountiful heirloom grape tomatoes

Tomatoes. Zucchini. Patty Pan. Morning Glory. Marigold. Pumpkin. Carrots. Basil. Okra. Eggplant.

Those tiny sprouts are tomatillos that Carlos just planted. Need to thin them soon.

Gourd growing up the wall. Morning glories up the patio. Pepper in front.
And a fun one from the beginnings of our gardening adventures...

Whoa. Big difference!

Most of our plants were started from seeds, many of them our own saved seeds. It's amazing to look at it and think it once fit in the palm of my hand!


  1. Love Comment Blog ♥ (8) Swap (3/3) Piimanyx

    Whoo! Compare to the beginning, your garden grow up very nice ! Lucky to have a too beautiful garden !
    Take care <3!

  2. This is a beautiful garden(: I was never really great at keeping plants alive growing up, but I allways admired their beauty

    kcody03 from swapbot love comment blog(8)

  3. Piimanyx - I know! I'm so glad that I took pictures of it at the beginning. It's beautiful to compare how much everything has grown. And looking at it, it's totally different again!

    Katje, thank you! Plants are incredible. It's wonderful to walk through the woods and see all the plants growing. So natural. The other day a neighbor walked past my garden and told me that it "looks native, like it's supposed to be there. " I like that.

  4. Dez,

    Love to be there in your garden, looks like paradise and I know I can just jump in and help. It's wonderful to observe the growth and changes in a garden and learn from it. Your photographs are amazing, and already I am loving how you are getting on with your gardening adventure.



    AnaGoncalves from Love Comment Blog 8 on Swapbot
